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Giving / Tithing

The support of the gospel ministry locally, the extension of God's kingdom through mission work, and ministering to the needy both near and far require material resources. According to the Bible, giving of our money for the kingdom of God is no small part of the Christian life. It is also part of the commitment belonging to church membership. When we worship according to God's Word, we "bring an offering, and come into His courts" (Psalm 96:8).

However, the Cornerstone United Reformed Church does not tax or assess each member or family and then record and enforce their contribution. We do have an annual budget which is submitted to and approved by the congregation, but we seek to maintain the distinctly Christian principles of giving rather than operate like a business or a merely human institution.

Christian giving is ultimately giving to the Lord, not to the church. It is properly an expression of gratitude rather than a grudging obligation: "The Lord loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7).

The Old Testament law for Israel required a tithe (10%) of one's "income" to be given to the Lord. We do not enforce this as a law among us, but regard it as a guide for Christian giving.

Indeed, Christians motivated by the knowledge of the grace of Christ may well consider this to be merely a starting point, or minimum for their giving. Those who have been blessed richly in material things will of course be able to give more than those who have less, but in every case, the Bible's command to "honor the Lord with your possessions" (Proverbs 3:9) is observed among us.