About Cornerstone United Reformed Church of Edmonton
Jesus said, "I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18). This means that the true church of Jesus Christ is no mere human organization, but the supernatural work of the Son of God.
Our name refers to Jesus Christ in Whom the Christian church is united and built up: "Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone" (Ephesians 2:19). With gratitude to God we believe that Cornerstone United Reformed Church (URC) of Edmonton is part of this church-building work of Jesus Christ.
A new beginning
Our congregation was formed in 1989 with the leadership of a minister and former elders of other Edmonton churches. The need to form a new church arose as these other churches had, for several years, been departing from the authority of the Bible and from their own historic creeds and confessions.
This departure became especially evident in the influence which evolutionary science, humanistic psychology and feminism was having on the teaching and practices of these churches. Serious consequences were seen in a breakdown of biblical worship, preaching, and church discipline. After years of protest, prayer, and efforts for reform, it became clear that obedience to God required the formation of a new church.
The original name of the congregation was "Orthodox Reformed Church of Edmonton". It changed to Cornerstone URC in April 2018.
Keeping the faith
Cornerstone URC Edmonton was formed to maintain loyalty to what was old, reliable and unchanging: the Word of God (the Bible). The truth of the unchanging Word has been confessed and lived by the true Christian church down through the centuries.
We are a church with historical roots also in that truth as recovered in the 16th century Protestant Reformation. It is our solemn desire and purpose to believe and live according to the Word of God, and to stand with all others who share this commitment.
About the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA)
The United Reformed Churches in North America is a federation of churches formed on October 1, 1996. The URCNA formed out of the Fellowship of Uniting Reformed Churches in North America which had been formed in 1995.